Come Fly With Me and My First NECC Podcast

I walked from my hotel to the conference center to start my experience of the NECC and felt like I was at an airport, something about the gates with big numDscn2184bers I guess. Last night I walked around the marina and was feeling a bit blue being here by myself, but once I walked in I felt ready to fly.
Dscn2186People were rushing about in preparation for the days to come but there were was plenty of help available at the same time. I haven’t posted much this year and part of that besides my health was the feeling of not working within a system which is ready to embrace these new tools of the 21st century. But today I felt great being around people who share the same passion. It was perfect seeing Kathy Schrock, after
all it was her w
eekly email newsletter which got me into using bloglines and blogging itself. I’m not feeling very articulate, but I can say I’m just enjoying the vibe of being here.


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Published by derrallg

STEAM Coach, Teacher, Google Innovator, Raspberry Pi Educator, LEC Digital Educator, edcamp lover #makerspace #designthinking #minecraftedu #PBL #csforall #csk8

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1 Comment

  1. Dear Derrall,

    I enjoyed our brief conversation yesterday and applaud your efforts to infuse technology into your classroom. Keep up the good work!

    Kathy Schrock

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